Articles List in Japanese→白井千晶
Chiaki SHIRAI 白井千晶
Shizuoka University, National University 国立大学行政法人 静岡大学
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 人文社会科学部
The Department of Social and Human Studies 社会学科, Professor教授
ohya 836, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Pref. , Tel & Fax 81+54-238-6835
E-mail shirai.chiaki[]shizuoka.ac.jp []=@
Personal Information
Nationality: Japanese
Date of Birth: 17/Aug./1970
Work Experience
2014- Shizuoka University Associate Professor, 2016- Professor
2010-2013 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: JSPS, Postdoctoral Fellowship
1999- Part time lecturer, Waseda University, Toyo University, etc.
1993-2003 Waseda University Graduate School of Letters, Major in Sociology
Master Course and Doctor Course, M.D.
1989-1993 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
2016, History of Childbirth, Rearing and Midwifery in Japan, in Japanese
2009, Telling Infertility, Kaimeisha |
2017,The Social Role of Traditional Midwives in Japan: Through the Lens of Mediating Adoption, Asian Studies
2017,"The History of “Artificial Insemination” in Japan during 1890–1948: Issues
concerning insemination and donor sperm, Asian Studies
2016,The Current Situations of Pregnancy with Difficult Social Backgrounds
from the Prenatal Care Counseling at the Private Adoption Support Agencies,
(in Japanese)
2016,Decision Making on Egg Donation in Japan : from the Analysis of Life Story Interview, (in Japanese)
2016,The Life Experiences of Mothers through Egg Donation: Analysis of
questionnaire, (in Japanese)
2015,Pregnancy and Child Care in high teen-years old mothers: told through
the life stories of the women themselves, (in Japanese)
2015, The Life Experiences of Mothers through Egg Donation:Analysis of Interview Data, (in Japanese)
2014, Hospitalization of Childbirth in Japan, (in Japanese).
2014, The Decision-making Process of Birth Mothers who put their Children
up for Adoption, (in Japanese)
2013, Informal Arrangements of Baby adoption especially by midwives before
and after World War Ⅱ in Japan,( in Japanese).
2013, Infertile Women's Preference in Non-Blood Parent-Child Relationships: From the Perspective of the Kinship-Choice Principle, (in Japanese).
2013, Adoptions at Birth Negotiated by Midwives in the Showa Era, (in Japanese).
2010,Development and Change of Midwives' Professional Career in Local Community:
A consideration of maternal and child health history in Japan, (in Japanese).
2010, Reproductive Technologies and Parent–Child Relationships: Japan’s Past
and Present Examined through the Lens of Donor Insemination, International Journal of Japanese Sociology DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6781.2010.01126.x |